The Reluming Apparatus
“The reluming apparatus” is a spatial animation by two self-propelled robots with small projectors. Two robots go back and forth, and project the animation with accurate timing. The white-lined rotoscope animation light up on the wall dimly, and behave as if they were choreographed. The clumsy images evoke the magic lantern and Utushie with the perspective of media archaeology. These structural, contextual manipulation based on the clumsiness of the image, tries to relume the sensation of animation existing in front of viewers.
The content of animation is based on my personal memory and it consists of the different fragmentary scenes as an omnibus. Therefore, right after the scene of blowing candles ended, the scene of hide and seek begins. Each scene seemed to be totally unrelated. However, those fragmentary scenes will become connected gently with one theme; “reluming”, even though the projected image is blurred and defocused.