Queer Filmを自分の中へ消化するために、普段の習慣だったYouTube上の見ず知らずの家族のホームビデオ鑑賞を制作に取り入れることにした。そこには何ら変哲のない家族の様子が写されている。滑り台で遊ぶ、お弁当を食べる、子どもにミルクをあげる。同性婚が出来ない国の、普通の日常への羨望の眼差しがその鑑賞には表れているように思う。恋をせず、厄介な展開は起こらずにただ憧れている。第三者の映像をトレースし続けることで、不安定な均衡の中で生きる一人の姿を立ち上がらせたかった。
So far, I've been attracted to personal footage by Japanese families posted on YouTube. Never met them, but I've been tracing You. You are from YouTube. Like the other families, You post the stock footage with Your child. For example, You are in a park, going down the long slide, eating the lunch box, or fed with a milk bottle. I gaze at them. I am from a country where I can't marry a same-sex person. I don't want my queer film as a typical love drama, but more fragmental in an unbalanced-balance situation, filled with the traced Your footage.
After Your footage, I put the conversation with my friends on Zoom. They are also like me, longing for those daily fragments. Gradually we get to play a remembering game. When we met, we did or said something like this and found out if he remembers them. One of them used to be my one-sided love. I have to admit that awkwardness when he doesn't remember, and vice versa, I remember them clearly. I or we have to accept them, hoping we can be You someday.